Sunday Cleaning Checklist

My ideal Sunday consists of a little bit of everything – fun, relaxation, and getting stuff done to get ready for the week. I like to wake up when I wake up (no alarm!) and forget about the concept of time. Do things at my own speed, in my own time. It’s a reset button. […]

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Morning Meditation

Start your morning with a simple intention to focus your energy and stay mindful throughout the day. Focused intentions are very powerful. They are instructions for the universe, set in motion to orchestrate the complete fulfillment of your desires. This requires trust, and relinquishing the belief that you’re in control of your destiny. A state […]

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Perfection is a myth

Perfection is a myth. All of the conflicting, confusing messages in the world are distracting us. We move from one idea to another. We lie to ourselves. We think the next thing will bring us happiness. Our lives would be perfect, if only… “I’ll be happy when I am fit and toned.”          […]

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